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G�NDER; g�n�m�zde, kamu kurumlarinin y�netici ve personelleri, �niversite �gretim �yeleri, g�ne� enerjisi sekt�r�nde faaliyet g�steren sanayicilerden ve g�ne� enerjisi sevdalisi g�n�ll�lerden olu�an T�rkiye�nin �nemli bir sivil toplum kurulu�udur. Dernegin ama� ve faaliyet alanlari kapsaminda faaliyet g�steren ve yasal olarak dernek �yeligine engel bir durumu olmayan t�zel kurulu�lar ve ger�ek ki�iler, dernege �ye olabilir. -------------------------- G�NDER, founded in 1991, was appointed to represent International Solar Energy Society � Turkey Section (ISES-TR) by resolve of the Council of Ministers with date of 10th February 1992 and with number of 92/2752, depending on the 1. article of the law about the establishment of international institutions with number of 3335. G�NDER is not only appointed to represent Republic of Turkey in International Energy Agency Solar Heating Cooling Program (IEA SHC) and International Energy Agency Photovoltaic Power Systems Program (IEA PVPS), but also working actively in cooperation with SolarPower Europe (the new EPIA, European Photovoltaic Industry Association), European Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF), International Solar Energy Society (ISES), Global Solar Council (GSC), Association of Turkish Construction Material Producers (T�rkiye IMSAD), Danish Green Growth Network (DGGN), Middle East Solar Industry Association (MESIA), German Solar Association (BSW), Turkish HVAC-R Exporters (ISIB), The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), Asian Photovoltaic Industry Association (APVIA) through its memberships.

EPC Project Management 2021

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