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Cryocan, the affiliate company of Can Corporate Group, offers services and products in energy market. Owing to its exceptional staff of engineers, Cryocan is identified with high quality and trust in the international oil and gas field of manufacturing cryogenic tanks, pressure vessels and turnkey projects. In its plants in Izmit, Gebze, Cryocan employs high standards of manufacturing and high quality products which can effectively meet the demands of the global energy market. Cryocan has obtained his reputation through continuous success in completing the projects and delivery in due time and offering effective system solutions to its clients. Additionally, Cryocan has been increasing investments in Research and Development in order to be able to offer high quality and competitive solutions to special demands of industrial gases and the demands in oil and gas market. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kriyojenik tanklar ve basin�li kaplar imalatinda uluslararasi pazarda, b�nyesinde bulundurdugu uzman m�hendis kadrosuyla kalite ve g�ven ile �zle�en Cryocan, 1976 yilinda faaliyetlerine ba�layan Can Grup�un enerji piyasasina �r�n ve hizmet sunan �irketlerinden birisidir. Izmit Gebze�de bulunan �retim tesislerinde, d�nya enerji piyasalarinin ihtiya�larini kar�ilayabilecek y�ksek standartlarda ve kalitede �retim yapan Cryocan, deneyimli ve se�kin kadrosu ile �zel projelere ba�ariyla imza atan, m��terilerine sistem ��z�mleri de sunan, d�nyanin saygin �reticilerinden biri konumundadir. Cryocan, Ar-Ge yatirimlarini her ge�en g�n artirmakta, b�ylece piyasalarin ihtiya�larina en y�ksek kalitede ve en rekabet�i �ekilde ba�ariyla cevap vermektedir.
EPC Project Management 2021
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