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BANPU Public Company Limited

�Integrated Energy Solutions� With more than 35 years of experience in international and local businesses, Banpu has become an�integrated energy solutions company�operating in 10 countries in Asia-Pacific: Thailand, Indonesia, China, Australia, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Singapore, Japan, the United States of America and Vietnam, by creating growth throughout its 3 core groups of businesses, which are�Energy Resources�(coal and gas including related operations such as marketing, trading, logistics, fuel procurement, and transmission),�Energy Generation�(conventional and renewable power plants), and�Energy Technology�(total solar energy solutions, energy storage system and energy technology system) By incorporating both conventional and unconventional or renewable businesses within the Group�s portfolio structure, Banpu then has a stronger integration across its core business units resulting in more effective resources management and a balanced business expansion which offers sustainable energy solutions for consumers, communities, society and the environment.

EPC Project Management 2021

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