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Toros Agri is the largest private corporation in its sector with regard to business volume, product/service range and market share as well as ranked among the first 60 largest industrial enterprises of Turkey. It is Tekfen Holding�s second largest operation in terms of revenues. Toros Agri operates in three main areas: Chemical fertilizer production and marketing and agricultural activities consisted of techno-agriculture and seed and seedling production; Terminal services; and Free Zone and Gas Station management. Toros Agri�s chemical fertilizer production within the plants in Ceyhan, Mersin and Samsun forms the core of the company�s agricultural operations. Toros Agri believes that it is necessary to develop the yield and quality and offers a wide range of high-quality seed and seedlings to farmers in addition to fertilizers. The investments made parallel to this aim made Toros Agri a leading brand that �sets the standards� in the fields of seed and seedling in recent years. T�rkiye�de i� hacmi, �r�n yelpazesi ve pazar payi olarak sekt�r�n�n en b�y�k �zel kurulu�u olan Tarimsal Sanayi Grubu, Tekfen Holding�in ciro itibariyle ikinci b�y�k operasyonudur. Sekt�r�n�n en b�y�k �zel kurulu�u olan Toros Tarim T�rkiye�nin en b�y�k sanayi kurulu�lari arasinda ilk 60 i�indedir. Toros Tarim ba�lica faaliyetleri, kimyevi g�bre �retimi ve pazarlamasi , tohumculuk, teknotarim ve fidecilikten olu�an tarimsal faaliyetler ile verilen limancilik hizmetleri, Serbest B�lge ve akaryakit istasyonlari i�letmeciligi�dir. Tarimsal faaliyetlerin temelini, Ceyhan, Mersin ve Samsun�daki fabrikalarda ger�ekle�tirilen kimyevi g�bre �retimi olu�turmaktadir. Verimlilik ve kalitenin y�kseltilmesi geregine inanan Toros Tarim, g�brenin yani sira �ift�ilere kaliteli fide ve tohum �e�itleri de sunmaktadir. Bu y�nde yaptigi yatirimlar, Toros Tarim�in son yillarda g�brenin yaninda tohum ve fidecilik alanlarinda da �sekt�r�n standartlarini belirleyen� bir marka haline gelmesini saglami�tir.

EPC Project Management 2021

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