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Technical Parts

Technical Parts Est is a major Industrial & Chemical Products Trading & Engineering, Construction & Services House based in Abu Dhabi . It's a part of Bhatia Bros Group of Companies, with operations in Abu Dhabi , Dubai , Ras Al Khaimah, Al ain & Sharjah. We also have our own & associate offices in the UK , Oman , Qatar , France , Singapore & India . It retains a multimillion dollars inventory with its own fabricating and warehousing facilities. It takes pride in providing a �Total Solutions Package� consisting of the finest of industrial products and services, drawn from around 400 world class manufacturers around the world including USA , Europe & Japan. Amongst its customers are the major oil & gas companies, hotels, hospitals, dairies & food processing units, utility providers (power, water, etc) and contractors (civil, mechanical, offshore, onshore, marine) in this part of the world. It is a registered vendor with all major companies and is also pre-qualified for supply of products and services with major global EPC Contractors. It is working together with its customers and suppliers on a partnership basis so as to continuously improve its efficiency and effectiveness. It received its ISO 9002 certification in 1998 and is well underway in the process at getting the ISO 9001:2000 certificate. It sees it as a validation of its claim to maintaining high standards of quality service and solution.

EPC Project Management 2021

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