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TBG - Transportadora Brasileira Gasoduto Bol�via-Brasil S.A.

TBG has been the owner and operator of the Bolivia-Brazil Gas Pipeline since 1999, delivering up to 30.08 million cubic metres of natural gas per day to the Brazilian market. With a length of 2,593 km in Brazil, 28% of the total natural gas Brazilian network, TBG�s pipeline crosses 136 municipalities in five states, Mato Grosso do Sul, Sao Paulo, Paran�, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. The maintenance of the pipeline system is entirely performed by TBG�s own staff, composed of specialised and trained professionals. The Supervision and Control Center (SCC), located in Rio de Janeiro state, remotely operates 15 compressor stations, 50 city-gates and other pipeline facilities. In order to meet the new demands of the natural gas transmission market, TBG offers a diverse portfolio of services in planning, deploying, operating and maintaining pipelines, compressor stations and city-gates. TBG. Solutions in natural gas transmission systems.

EPC Project Management 2021

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