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At RedGuard, you�ll never hear us say, �think outside the box,� because for us, it�s what�s inside that matters most. It�s with that in mind that we come to work each and every day focused on one thing�saving lives. Founded in 1998 as A Box 4 U, we continue to set the bar in the design and creation of the most functional, durable, reliable and just overall best blast-resistant buildings on the market. Our ongoing third-party blast tests help us ensure that our products not only meet expectations, but exceed them. Because at RedGuard, we believe that whenever there�s a life at stake, good just isn�t good enough. The same holds true for our dedication to our customers. We pride ourselves on our ability to meet virtually any need and provide unrivaled hands-on personal service from design to delivery.
EPC Project Management 2021
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