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Low Carbon
Low Carbon is a privately-owned UK investment company. By investing in, owning and operating renewable energy projects, we are committed to making a positive and significant impact on the causes of climate change. In pursuit of a global low-carbon future through carbon emissions reduction, we leverage all current and emergent technical advances in renewables, managing assets on balance sheet for listed and unlisted third parties. Our unique investment model embraces solar photovoltaic (PV), wind, combined heat and power (CHP), battery storage, concentrated solar power (CSP) and anaerobic digestion (AD) technologies. And our deployment of more than L400 million capital into renewable energy investments demonstrates our continued pledge to build capacity efficiently and cost-effectively. Our dedicated team has an excellent track record in solar assets, over 320MW of which we have funded and built and/or operated � a total we expect to increase as needs for renewable energy grow and its opportunities for our investor partners gather pace.
EPC Project Management 2021
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