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INORE - International Network on Offshore Renewable Energy

In a world where the global environment is changing, there is also a global challenge. A challenge that sets for the current and future generations the need to come up with new solutions that would allow a transition to a new sustainable global community. To tackle this need, a deep and serious reflection should be taken at international level, a reflection that should not exclude the young people of today, as they will be the generation of tomorrow. To ensure a clean and secure energy supply is one of the major challenges to achieve global sustainability, and it is here where the renewable energies are called to play a key role, providing a clean, sustainable based energy source. Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) includes offshore wind, wave energy, tidal energy and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC). OREs are amongst the renewables with the greatest potential, and they are expected to provide a substantial part of the future energy mix, (e.g. satisfying the 50% of the European electricity demand by 2050), becoming even more relevant for coastal and island communities. The International Network on Offshore Renewable energy (INORE) is an association that seeks to support the development of an active and connected network of researchers from around the world. The main objective of INORE is to promote and advance the education of Offshore Renewable Energies (e.g. offshore wind, wave, tidal barrage, tidal stream, and OTEC energy technologies), especially among the young professionals community. To make this possible INORE, links together an international and interdisciplinary active group of researchers and other professionals working out on issues related to offshore renewable energy.

EPC Project Management 2021

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