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�lkemizin �nde gelen madeni yag ve gres �reticilerinden Belgin Madeni Yaglar, sekt�rdeki faaliyetlerine 1953 yilinda Istanbul'da ba�lami�tir. G�n�m�zde, 25.500 m2 alan �zerinde 40.000 ton/yil kapasiteli Gebze Organize Sanayi B�lgesi'nde yer alan, en g�ncel teknoloji ile donatilmi�, AB standartlarinda, modern tesislerinde �retimini ger�ekle�tiren BELGIN,kalitesi ve performansi uluslararasi otoritelerce de tescilli �r�nlerini uluslararasi pazarda 40�in �zerinde �lkeye ihra� etmektedir. BELGIN, IKMIB (Istanbul Kimyevi Maddeler ve Mamulleri Ihracat�ilari Birligi) �yesi firmalar arasinda 2015 yili mineral yaglar ve yakitlar kategorisinde ger�ekle�tirdigi ihracat performansi ile 6. sirada yer almi�tir. BELGIN, yurti�inde ve yurtdi�indaki �e�itli sekt�rlere sundugu; Metal I�leme Yaglari, End�striyel Yaglar, Gresler, Otomotiv Yaglari ve Deniz Yaglarindan olu�an 5 ana �r�n grubu altinda, 34 �r�n grubunda 1000 �e�it degi�ik mineral, yari sentetik, sentetik �r�nleri, sanayi ve t�keticiler tarafindan kullanilmaktadir. BELGIN, 1999 yilinda �retimine ba�ladigi, 50�nin �zerinde OEM (Orijinal Ekipman �reticileri) onayina sahip LUBEX markali otomotiv yaglari ve GRESON markali gresler de �r�nleri arasina katilmi�tir. �rettigi GRESON marka gresleriyle Avrupa Gres Enstit�s� (ELGI) �yesi ilk T�rk firmasi olan BELGIN, ayni zamanda, PETDER (Petrol Sanayicileri Dernegi) ve UEIL (Bagimsiz Avrupa Madeni Yag �reticileri Birligi) �yesidir. 60 yili a�an engin deneyimi ve bilgi birikimini, modern AR-GE laboratuvarlarindaki sayisiz �ali�malari ile birle�tirerek farkli ihtiya�lara ve �zel durumlara y�nelik �r�n geli�tiren, i� ortaklarina ve m��terilerine deger katan BELGIN, Istanbul Sanayi Odasi (ISO) T�rkiye�nin Ikinci 500 B�y�k Sanayi Kurulu�u listesinde 2014 yili itibariyle aldigi yerini g��lenerek geli�tirmeye devam etmektedir. BELGIN Oil, one of the leading lubricants & grease manufacturers in Turkey, started its operations in 1953, Istanbul. BELGIN is continuously growing in line with its vision and strategy in a sustainable manner. In 2014, BELGIN executed The National Quality Initiative Good Will Statement led by KalDer, has become the first Turkish lubricants company recognized for Excellence 5 Star under the EFQM (European Quality Management Foundation) Excellence Model. Today, carrying out its operations in the facilities located at Gebze Organized Industry Zone on a land covering 25.500 m2, with a 40.000 tons/year capacity, BELGIN is exporting its high quality & performance products which are also certified by international authorities, to more than 40 countries. BELGIN ranked 6th among IKMIB (Istanbul Chemicals and Chemical Products Exporters Association) member companies with its export performance in 2015. BELGIN is offering its high-quality products in 5 main categories, -Metal Working Oils, Industrial lubricants, Automotive lubricants, Greases and Marine lubricants- in 34 product groups with 1.000 different synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral type of products to the industry and consumers worldwide. BELGIN, since 1999 has in its LUBEX automotive lubricants brand portfolio and GRESON grease portfolio holding over 50 OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers) approvals. It has become the first Turkish Company to become European Grease Institute (ELGI) member and UEIL (Independent European Mineral Oil Producers Association) member as well as a member of EMRA (Energy Market Regulatory Association). With its vast experience and know-how for over 60 years, BELGIN combined many studies in its R&D Laboratory to develop tailored products to different requirements and conditions, adding value to its business partners and customers, was listed in the second 500 Largest Industrial Companies Report of the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO) as of 2014.
EPC Project Management 2021
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