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AMAK Petroleum
AMAK is a Holding Petroleum service company with head office in Egypt and has branches in Syria & Libya AMAK is an organization working in the field of drilling and petroleum services. Drilling & Workover Through Amak�s partnership with the Egyptian Chinese Drilling Company (ECDC), and its outstanding contributions to drilling services in Eastern desert, Sinai, Western desert and Delta in Egypt since 1998, Amak managed to carve a niche for itself among the pioneer drilling contractors working in oil well drilling and workover. Petroleum Service Through a partnership in with Accurate Petroleum Services Company (APETCO), Amak has managed to enter the promising Libyan market, and will prove itself to be the up and coming top performer in the field of petroleum services. The services include Coiled Tubing, Well Testing, Wire Line Logging, Perforation & Pumping services Marine Services ADES is a joint-stock free zone Investment company established in Cairo in 2002, Egypt as a subsidiary of INTRO holding group.ADES was established with focus on the marine services and rigless work over operation, Platform maintenance, offshore project and marine vessel operation. ADES own Mobile offshore unit classified by the ABS as self elevated jack up unit with self propulsion assistant system. Airborne Geophysics
EPC Project Management 2021
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